Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

I hope this was the first of many years of coordinated Halloween costumes. Griffin was given a firefighter outfit by generous big cousin Briley a while back. It was clear that was the perfect costume for him this year. I searched for a dalmatian costume online for Cooper but had no luck finding one small enough. Thanks to Amazon for the white zippered footed "pajamas", a certain Etsy seller for all the felt circles and ovals, and Grandma Kathi for sewing the ears and tail (also from Amazon) on. I spent a couple hours with the hot glue gun and voila!

We had intentions to make several stops this year since Griffin understands the whole trick-or-treating thing now. However, we went to Ma and Pa's house first and didn't end up leaving until it was time to go home. Since we don't have trick-or-treaters at our house in the country, he was really interested in helping answer the door. He seemed happy with the small amount of candy he collected from Ma and the daycare party today. Success!

Cooper says, "this guy is a goob"

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monthly Update

Life is good as a family of four. It has been really challenging at times, but my maternity leave is just about over so I'm soaking up every minute possible. 

Cooper is "sleeping through the night" by most definitions. When he goes to sleep around 10pm he will often not wake up for a feeding until 6am or so. He can go 5 hour stretches regularly, and that is a good amount of sleep to me. 

Although I don't have a ton of pictures yet, he is very smiley. My heart melts when he sees my face and coos. Drew says it's just a matter of time before he's a daddy's boy like Griffin. We'll see!

Weight: 12 lbs - 49th percentile
Height: 23 1/2" - 64th percentile
Head: 39 1/2 cm - 31st percentile
Diaper size: 1
Clothing size: 0-3 or 3 months

Mr. Griffin is quite a character. He likes to "tattle" now. For example, "Mommy's being mean to me!" is a favorite phrase. He also has become somewhat of a liar. When he doesn't get his way, he generally says, "(Insert name) said I could!" 

He hasn't had a daytime potty accident in quite some time, and the occasional night time bedwetting is usually predictable and our fault.

He is still an awesome big brother.

And here's a summary of photos from my phone from the last month:

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Date

Griffin was a lot more cautious about what he did and did not want to do at the pumpkin patch this year. He said at first he was NOT riding the "train", but he did. He said he was NOT going on the hay ride, and we didn't. I'm not sure how it played out at the "burlap sack slide on the hill" because I was watching from a distance, but he did end up going down after quite a bit of time watching other kids. He mostly enjoyed playing on all the things he could climb around on and hanging out with Charlotte (Gettys family went too). Drew was leaving that afternoon for a trip up North so he decided to join us. What a treat!

quality daddy/daughter time

maybe I do want to ride the looks so fun that I'll stare 

pausing for a moment in the hay fort

Gettys family

the best we could do of Griffin holding Cooper

the train!

