Friday, August 25, 2017

Cooper is 3!!

He's as sweet as they come, and snuggly to boot. But if you ask his Dad, Cooper is tougher than his older brother and does a good job of holding his own. He's easy to get along with and has rarely stopped smiling since he was born. 

Cooper's party came before his actual birthday because of how the days fell. When we asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted, his response was "blue". No matter how we asked him in the following days, he always stuck with that and wanted a blue birthday. We took the boys bowling one night and discovered how much he loved it. The bowling party seemed to be a big hit. 

Height 36 1/4"  22%
Weight 26lbs  3.2%
BMI .21%

Both boys were scheduled for well child exams on the afternoon of Cooper's actual birthday, so we celebrated with a stop at Bass Pro and a nice dinner out. 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

First day of school 2017!

Another successful first day in the books. Summer school seemed to really help Griffin prepare for full days and no naps. He didn't hesitate on the first day at all. I think it was also due to the open house the school had where we met all the teachers and he was able to familiarize himself with his new room. We are crossing our fingers that he doesn't see the principal this year! I also enjoyed taking him on his first day and am once again thankful that I work in town now and have zero stress about being around for these days. 

Here's to a great first year and beginning of a school career. Class of 2030 or bust!