Monday, December 26, 2011

Do the tootsie roll....

The entire time we were at my parents' house for Christmas, Griffin would never roll over. I tried to tell everyone he has been doing it for a while and it is no thing at all........of course his aunts didn't believe me. Here ya go!

Friday, December 23, 2011

5 Months Old

Another month has flown by. We don't have official measurements but I'm glad since that means we haven't seen the doctor lately. He will go back for his next check up and shots at 6 months in January.

Estimated Height: 27"
Estimated Weight: 15ish lbs according to the "hold and get on the bathroom scale" method

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The solids saga continues.....

We are having an interesting time introducing solids to Griffin. He has done really well overall and is getting pretty good with a spoon. The only thing he has hated so far is green beans....and right now we are still working through vegetables (at least 3 days between each to make sure there are no allergies).  I'm reminding myself that what we like or don't like should not influence what he tries. Several things have been established that contribute to a successful meal:

  • a thicker cereal is better than runny
  • nothing cold is accepted in the mouth, room temperature or warmer
  • holding him in your lap tends to really make him lunge forward at the spoon, mouth open, like a little bird--I would prefer him eating in the high chair, but he does so well like this
  • hands need to be held down or watched closely, in an instant the thumb could try to go in the mouth

This is the green beans face...........

This is the squash face..........

This is how we eat peas....... on the menu is sweet potatoes, which I think will be a hit.

The downside to solids is that breastfed babies tend to have a harder time with the transition. Griffin didn't have a dirty diaper for 4 days! When he finally went, the onesie he had been wearing for pictures that evening was destroyed. I have no pictures to illustrate this story for you, you're welcome. 

But to summarize how we all felt, it was like this......

Monday, December 12, 2011


We had quite a time on Saturday trying to meet Santa. The Bass Pro standby line for those without passes at specific times was 3 hours long. Drew didn't care where the Santa was from so we headed to the mall. After about an hour in line there (including a diaper change, in and out of the stroller, a bottle warming with a cup of hot water from the cookie place) we FINALLY got our turn. He was a really nice old man in person but puts on his meanest face for the photos. Griffin didn't like or dislike him. He was just content like usual. Already looking forward to what next year might bring!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hello cereal!

This past week was exciting. Griffin had his first taste of cereal and seemed to enjoy it. I don't remember, but apparently the first time a spoon/food enters the mouth is really strange. We saw some very funny faces. 

Give it to me!

Can't wait to start fruits.....

Getting the hang of it

Practice makes perfect

Thursday, December 1, 2011

4 Months Old

We were a tad bit late taking pictures this month and even later for posting, but better late than never. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Griffin enjoyed his first Thanksgiving spending time with both of our families. We got some candid shots from the Cooper lunch, but none from the Honeycutt dinner. We were able to get some nice family pictures taken by our cousin Caitlin. Can't wait to get the Christmas cards in the mail!

Griffin, you're looking at the wrong camera

With Grandpa Don

Thanks for the bib Aunt Shiloh

Close up of the handsome boy


Why look at the camera when you have hands?

Too much fun = zonked out

Thursday, November 17, 2011

4 Month Stats

It was my turn to take Griffin to the doctor today for his 4 month check up and second round of shots. He did really well and only cried for a minute. I hope my mellow baby doesn't turn into a fussy and unhappy one for a couple days like last time. 

Waiting at the doctor's office

14lbs 6oz - 40th percentile
25 1/2" long - 74th percentile
16.89" head - 66th percentile
Diaper size: 2
Clothing: 3-6 months

The pediatrician said he would be considered "tall". That was surprising to hear since Drew and I have never been "tall". I also got the run down of introducing solids. We can do that anytime between 4-6 months, of course starting with cereal. That should be an adventure. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A lazy Saturday afternoon

Griffin has several new tricks now....

  • He can suck his thumb (a bad habit but a blessing all in one, he soothes himself back to sleep and opts to find his thumb instead of fuss on a regular basis)
  • He is getting better at tummy time and holds his upper half up well
  • He is reaching for hanging toys and holds/shakes his rattle in both hands, and
  • He can wiggle around quite a bit and I often find him sideways in his crib in the mornings. 
I had video clips to post of all of these things but after trying ALL day, this is the only one small enough to get uploaded. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pre-Bath Pep Talk

You'd never guess getting pumped up for a bath was a family affair........


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Griffin insisted I buy him this shirt

Proud big brother

Pumpkin outfit for the daycare party
I was lucky to get that much cooperation out of Drew

The scarecrow without a face

Sunday, October 30, 2011

First evening away......

It wasn't an overnight trip, although getting home at 3am kind of qualifies, but it was a success in many ways! Drew and I were very fortunate to get to attend game 7 of the World Series! GO CARDINALS! Big thanks to my mom and our good friends Tammy and Jimi for making it happen.