Friday, February 27, 2015

Monthly Update

Cooper is 6 months old!!

Goodbye infant stage, hello squishy-baby-on-the-hip era. 

Cooper continues to be the sweetest, smiley-est, happiest little baby ever. Drew says he is happier than Griffin was but it seems impossible for that to be true. 

We started spoon feeding in the last month. He's had rice cereal and oatmeal, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas. Once he gets a little more established, we'll introduce the fruits. 

I have witnessed him roll over TWICE. That's it. He does great at tummy time, but doesn't seem to feel the need to roll unless it's just to his side. 

He's also found his feet now, in addition to his hands, and is doing the adorable little "hold onto your feet with each hand and be curled up" baby pose. 

Height: I'm confident saying he's between 27-29" but it's hard to measure a wiggle worm
Weight: 15lbs-ish
Diaper size: 2 are tight and 3 are roomy
Clothing size: 6-9 months or 9 months
Likes: being tickled, Griffin, smiling, "blowing raspberries"
Dislikes: green beans, being cold after a bath
Number of teeth: still zero although he continues to chomp on everything and one acts like it wants to come through any day now

Griffin Tanner is so fun. I can't believe he's a little over 3 1/2 years old.

He has lots of catch phrases: 
        "Um, I need a little help here....." 
        "How many times do I have to tell you?"
        "Let me think....." as he taps his index finger on his chin

He loves pointing out airplanes, stars, and the moon. And also to talk about the process of the sun coming up and going down. 

He asks A LOT of questions. 
        "Why does that plane have a white line behind it?"
        "How does _____ work?" 
        "When will daddy be home?"      

He continues to be very independent and plays on his own quite well. I've noticed lately he requests more attention, not out of jealousy, but I think because he's learning and is excited to show us things and talk about them. 

He tells lies, makes up grand stories, and is quick to tattle when he doesn't get his way. For example, often when I discipline him he informs me that he's going to tell on me when daddy gets home.

He is so handsome and smart, I just love him to pieces. He is the most perfect first born child in the world. 

Height: 40"
Weight: 34lbs-ish
Clothing size: hanging on to 3T pants for his slender figure but mostly 4T or Youth XS in shirts and everything else (insert sad face here)
Favorite food: hot dogs, ham, cheese, carrots
Favorite candy: Starburst right now thanks to Valentine's Day
Favorite color: blue and black
Favorite movies/shows: Epic, Madagascar, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Transformers Prime

Many thanks to cousin Briley who passed down this fireman costume a while back. It gets so much use, I can't believe it's not whittled away to threads. 

And some spoonfeeding shots/random snaps (this blog does function as a photo album as well):

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chuck E. Cheese!!

Number of trips to Chuck E. Cheese's under the belt................1

Time it took to spend all of our FIRST set of tokens...........30 mins

Number of tickets won.....................360ish?

Additional cost to purchase the sword and shield Griffin wanted but didn't have enough tickets for.......$7.05

Two hours of crazy fun.........priceless.

Thanks to Chase for the invite to go with him and his parents. He has gone weeks with no accidents in big boy underwear and this was his reward! Yay for milestones!

Griffin liked the driving games

in line for more tokens

typical bashful Griffin

Monday, February 23, 2015

Valentine's Day Pictures 2015

Jamie Moore had her usual Valentine's Day mini sessions this year. Cooper was so stone faced for our family pictures with her a few months ago, I was thrilled that he was his normal smiley self last Saturday.  Griffin was a ham as usual.

Life is good.