Monday, June 25, 2012

11 Months Old

This has  been an exciting month. Griffin got to take several mini trips, stayed in 2 hotel rooms, and spent a night at Grandma's house. He has also learned how to drink through a straw, walk holding onto something, and is working on his top 2 front teeth.

Weight: 20 lbs 6 oz
Diapers: Size 4
Clothing: 12 months
Eating Habits: only 4-5oz of his 6oz bottles every 3-4 hours, mixture of delicious jar baby food and real table food.....whatever we have at the time/place. He does well with everything. Also taking to the sippy cup really well. Whole milk is right around the corner!
New Tricks: pointing, splashing in the tub, spinning in a circle using his legs while his butt is on the floor
New Words: still a lot of Da Da, also starting La, and when I say Ma Ma he always responds with a Na that might be my name for a while until he starts using his lips

We are really looking forward to summer and all the fun it brings!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Water Baby

We bought a pool for Griffin today. He seems to love water and we knew it would be a toasty afternoon. Money well spent.....

The little fish had a good time. Even after getting off to a bad start--a front flip into the pool. I thought for a second he might be scared and change his mind about water, but it didn't phase him a bit. 

adding grass to the pool and testing the water

zooming to the other side

I love this!



come to my pool, everyone is invited!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weekend in St. Louis

We spent this very hot Father's Day weekend in St. Louis. Our first stop was the zoo. Of course, Griffin won't remember the visit but I think he enjoyed looking at the animals anyway. Drew had been before but it was my first trip. Griffin had not spent much time out in the heat until these trips we've taken recently. 

maybe I could ride that?

I don't know what these are, but it was a good stop for a picture

This huge gorilla came right up to the glass and sat down....scary!

the baby elephant was very playful and fun to watch
We also caught the Friday night and Saturday afternoon Cardinals games. It was good 'ole sweaty fun. Griffin didn't last longer than the 5th inning in each but we still had a good time. 

Friday Night

no time for pictures, let's go!

Which one should I watch?

I bet I can make friends with the people behind us

yep, they love me!

this kid knows how to flirt

Saturday Afternoon

it looked like he was going to nap.....but didn't

Must stay hydrated!

Although he is very hot blooded like me and almost instantly starts sweating (to the point of his hair looking wet) he tolerates it well and is not extra fussy. We have enjoyed my week of vacation and it's mini adventures. I'm looking forward to what the week later this year will bring!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend in Branson

We experienced a lot of "firsts" this weekend. We have no plans to take a real vacation this year, so I convinced Drew to have a couple overnight stays during my week off of work. The first mini-trip was to Branson, our first time staying overnight there. It seemed a little strange, since we frequented the city so much on school trips as kids, but we had a really nice time. 

Our first stop was White Water. This was Griffin's first "swimming" experience. We anticipated he would enjoy it since he LOVES his baths. Although you can't really tell by these pictures, we were right. He splashed and sat down in that cold water, enjoyed attention from other kids, refused to wear a hat, it was a lot of fun. It's bound to be even more of a hit when he is walking and can run around. 

Let's do this!

I see the entrance....can we go?

Shrieking with excitement!

"Already picking up chicks" says Drew

Mom caught me during a blink.....but look at my teeth!

We stayed at Hilton down on the Branson Landing and really enjoyed all of the shopping and good food. It allowed us to be on the go with Griffin in the stroller and walking around seeing things, instead of him being in the car seat. Another first......Griffin enjoyed his bath in a jacuzzi tub! I had to get in as well to keep up with him and take care of business. Momma needs a tub like that at home!

Our final stop was Silver Dollar City. Griffin is a huge "people-watcher" so the fact that he couldn't ride any rides didn't really bother him. Note to self: when he becomes 36", it's game on! We made a big loop checking out shops and looking around. It turns out, Griffin cracks up at the "put your face in the hole for picture" boards--see below. It must be the peek-a-boo-ness of them. We would go behind and before I could even get his face in the hole he would be giggling hysterically.  

I like watching people.....

Mommy is trying really hard to get us both in place

We had a very nice weekend. Big thanks to my parents who took care of Duke for us. We had nothing to worry about and were able to enjoy ourselves. Next weekend will be another adventure!