Thursday, July 26, 2012

12 Month Update

It's been a wild year. We are looking forward to at least 17 more with Griffin at home.....preferably no less and not many more than that. What a little man he is becoming.

Height: 31" - 82nd percentile
Weight: 20lbs 9 oz - 16th percentile
Head: 18.6" - 75th percentile
Clothing size: Mostly 12 month still
Diaper size: Size 4
New tricks: walking everywhere, very little crawling - waving in response to someone else doing it to him - playing with trucks by pushing them around and making what seems like "truck sounds"

He also had tubes put in this month, switched to whole milk, and is working hard on losing the bottle altogether.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Time to party!

This weekend was a lot of fun. All of our closest friends and family (we missed the McClenahans) came over to celebrate Griffin's 1st birthday. We enjoyed the time spent together, good food, and cool gifts. I think it's safe to say Griffin will not need a new toy for a while!

Just woke up from a nap to party.....

Waking up with Great Grandpa

the beginning......

......the end, not much craziness

working with cousin Briley

Uncle Brent helping with all the toys

Hanging with Grandpa Don

hanging upside down with Grandma Kathi

Cake video courtesy of Aunt Shiloh......

Trick video on a new toy courtesy of Aunt Nichole......

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!

Griffin is officially 1. Time goes by way too fast.

He enjoyed some of his favorite things for dinner (hot dog, blueberries, potato salad) and then we had a quick photo session out in the yard to mark the event. 

right before it popped in his face.....

just not into smiling while looking at the camera these days


what do we have here?

He only "opened" a couple gifts before we rushed him into the house to enjoy a cupcake. I had a local gal make a dozen of her red velvet cupcakes that I was introduced to at my baby shower. This weekend Griffin will be able to sample white and chocolate cake so I didn't want to do the same thing tonight. 

this looks nice....

notice the icing on the high chair tray

I love cupcakes!

this is a shot of our "peek a boo" game where he looks down his leg holes of the chair

having a birthday is exhausting

Friday, July 13, 2012


At Griffin's last appointment with his pediatrician it was decision time on whether Griffin needed to see the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. At that time he did not have an ear infection but still had fluid on both sides. Dr. Sponenberg decided he had went through enough trouble and made us an appointment to discuss getting tubes in his ears (what are tubes?). We had our consultation where they decided that he did need tubes and scheduled us for the surgery. This past Sunday we were back at urgent care and discovered Griffin had developed another ear infection. Based on the way he was acting, it seemed like his worst one yet. 

Flash forward to today.........Griffin now has tubes! 

Our arrival time was 6:55am at the surgery center so we had to leave our house by 5:15am. I was a little nervous about how Griffin would handle that since he wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink until after we were done. All of the commotion did wake him but he was asleep again 20 miles down the road. The actual surgery only took about 5 minutes once we were done with paperwork, seeing Dr. Allphin and anesthesiologist, and getting all of our instructions. 

Griffin is definitely cranky like they said he would be and not having breakfast when he wanted was heartbreaking to him. I don't think he could have waiting one more minute this morning. He was really upset afterward which they said was normal but he finally settled down. I'm crossing my fingers that he wakes up from this nap he is taking now in a much better mood. Also hoping that this will really help in all aspects of his life like they said.....speech, hearing, of course ear infections. I guess time will tell!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

First haircut!

I didn't know that Griffin could get any cuter. His hair had been growing rapidly in the last few months and was getting pretty wild. Friends and family had mixed opinions about cutting his hair, even Drew and I were split about it. Yesterday we took him to Springfield and decided it was time. He did really well and it was super easy at Cookie Cutters. We are both pleased with the end result. Drew thinks he is ready for a suit and his first job now. 


