Thursday, March 27, 2014

32 Month Update

Spring is here (not quite weather-wise, but close) so Griffin is getting some time outside and loving it. He's been full of energy and Drew has done a great job keeping up with him when I haven't felt so hot in the evenings. We are so thankful for the daylight when we get home from work.

Other things to note from the past month:
  • A very fun and long distance car Vacation
  • Confirmation that all 20 teeth are in
  • An overnight stay with Mimi while mommy and daddy went to a concert
  • PAT visit/screening with a the school coordinator that went really well
  • Growing knowledge of the alphabet, he can identify just about every letter! -- That K is really tricky, looks too much like X.
  • Cousin Briley's 6th birthday party
  • PBR in West Plains
  • Growing personality and attitude......for instance, when Drew asked Griffin to pick up his toys one night, re replied, "You pick it up!". -- That didn't end well.
  • Increasing rambunctiousness and courage....proof displayed in recent blog entry titled "Ouch!"

We are so late taking photos this month, I had to settle for his choice of "pajamas" for this evening as his outfit:

his version of "fish face"

This is all I got from Briley's party, hopefully Nichole will send me more from her camera when she uploads them.

first encounter with a piƱata

He's really starting to get into movies....we have to limit his time with his portable DVD player or he would sit and watch the movie Cars on repeat. 

love these two so much

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Griffin is definitely 2 years old. He is rough and tough, and usually handles things really well. This past week has been hard on him as he's had his first 2 major events happen. 

1) Backwards dismount off of the bathroom counter while brushing his teeth -- this could easily be avoided if we did not let him sit up there. I will have to buy a step stool that is tall enough for him to reach the sink. Drew was in charge and I heard the thud/yell from the bedroom. Of course, they were both upset but thankfully unharmed.

2) Hand meets floating tank heater element -- this one is substantial. We are 2 days out now from this traumatic event. The horses have to be moved around this time of year due to grass/fertilizing/etc, and while drew moved the water trough to a new pen, Griffin thought he should pick up the heater by the element while it was still plugged in. They look like this. I heard him scream from the other field while I was trying to wrangle the horses. I couldn't tell if he was hurt or just having a temper tantrum (they come and go) but since Drew was with him I wasn't too concerned.

One loose horse, and a lot of running around later.....I found out what had happened and we immediately put his hand in a cup of cool water to soothe him. Surprisingly, he wasn't crying but was definitely in pain according to the look on his face and little whimpers. It was pretty pitiful. He handled it all really well. Uncle Brent and his fire chief med-bag wrapped him up for the time being and provided us some good cream to use. By bedtime that night it had finally stopped hurting and he slept all night with bandaids and a sock over his hand. He's gone to daycare for 2 days now with ointment applied a couple times throughout the day and a sock covering his hand, no trouble yet. I really hope the blisters do not pop and just take their sweet time to heal. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

a few hours after the incident

lots of cuddle time -- I soaked every minute up since this is a rare occurrence for me!

fresh bandage and a popsicle

Uncle Brent and Briley signed his "cast"

here's my best attempt at a photo from the night after

More pictures to follow in the coming days.....


Healing progression at night 3 post-accident:

And here's where we are on night 4....unfortunately, the biggest blister on his middle finger did pop at some point today:


This picture was taken 2 weeks keeps looking better and better. So glad that didn't become a big, scary deal. They say burns are the most common injury to children, but I'm hoping we never experience that again.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Time to transition....

Mr. Griffin got confident over this past weekend and realized he could maneuver his way over the side of his crib. He started getting faster with each passing day, which led us to finally decide it was time to make the crib a toddler bed. I was impressed with how quickly Drew (who lacks skill with tools) was able to complete the conversion.

supervising the job....

this is how I'm supposed to sleep

but instead I'm awake like this the past 2 nights!

We aren't able to put him "in bed" and let him fall asleep on his own anymore. So we are trying to read/sing/pat his back/etc until he is almost asleep before leaving the room, in order to squash the chance of him immediately getting up.  Griffin has gone to bed crying the past 2 nights. We hope it gets better in time. It sure would be nice to have this transition complete before #2 comes.

Here's to another milestone.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


We love cattle and horses, so it's a little surprising that we had never been to a PBR event. They hold an annual smaller bull ride in West Plains, and although it's not the big names that you can see in Springfield, it is definitely some high caliber bulls (ask the guy who got knocked out cold and then took another kick to the face...yikes). When Ashley asked if we were interested in going, I knew Griffin would have a ball.

Chase was very serious about watching the "moos"

Griffin was in awe


the rodeo clown was in the crowd quite a bit

sweet Chase

end of the night hugs, these 2 love each other

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Parents night out!

We were quite daring when we bought tickets last fall for a concert on a Thursday night. Eric and Jordan were in, and the time finally came for a date night (minus a sit-down dinner since we were in a hurry after work to get there). Even though we didn't get to bed until 1:30am, we had a great time. 

Florida Georgia Line

Jason Aldean, one of my favs

Jordan's attempt to get the stage behind us, that's my head by Drew's cheek