Thursday, September 20, 2012

14 Months Old

In addition to the super easy setting for the monthly pics, I've gone a step further into lazyville and decided I'm just going to slap the sticker on whatever he is wearing that day. This shirt makes it a little hard to see but I think it still gets the job done.

He still weighs right about 22 lbs. Loves to point at everything and is saying some consistent "words"....... we just still need to figure out what exactly he's talking about. He's also going through a very loving stage where he hugs a lot and kisses some. See these photos from a baby shower we attended a couple weekends ago:

before she started crying

My wedding photographers were there (she hosted the shower with her sisters/her husband handled the camera) and took these sweet shots:


This month had another "first time" event. Griffin fell asleep in his high chair. Drew and I were just talking about the fact that it had never happened days before. Drew was actually up in South Dakota at the time so I had to record it for him. I was able to change Griffin and put him to bed after pulling him out of the high chair. He must have been exhausted, he woke up the next morning like usual!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For the record....

Yesterday was a bad day for Griffin. He didn't get a nap in (maybe 10 minutes during transportation) and when I got to daycare to pick him up I had 2 accident reports to sign!

The first was for a busted lip caused by falling on the gym floor when he was "running".....sad that word is being used in reference to my little baby. He's growing up too fast and getting very quick on his feet. Notice his lip already had a spot from a fall in the driveway the night before.

he already had big lips....

looks huge from underneath!

The other accident, and one I want to document, involved another little girl. Apparently, she and Griffin were fighting over a toy, and the end result was a bite to Griffin's arm. I found it a little comical since Griffin's cousin Peyton went through a rough time of being bitten at her daycare. I remember the agony my sister went through dealing with it, and just hope Griffin does not become the biter someday!

didn't even break the skin

 This was his 2nd and 3rd accidents at daycare, the first was his fault alone when he ran into a wall and bumped his head. Hopefully they are his last!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


We have been going non-stop it seems. I haven't had time to post, so here is a random group of pics/videos:

just caught the end of this, what a natural!


pecan pie filling, yum!

having a ball....

scrunched legs = forward facing now

playing with the smallest 3 month old puppy ever

cousin love

best $10 ever spent


Monday, September 3, 2012

3 Day Weekend!

We have definitely enjoyed the long weekend! Griffin is doing too many new things to write out, so I'll just make a list and illustrate some with pictures:

  • he is getting much faster and more obsessed with his dump truck/ride on cars and pushing them around while "hauling" random items in the back
  • his love for stuffed animals is also growing and he now needs to hug one (Bobby or his sleep sheep) when he goes to bed and first thing after he wakes up
  • he started dancing to music
  • he loves wearing hats all of the sudden
  • he is learning to kiss.....for real (not just make the sound)
  • a funny but someday not so fun trick, he likes to hide......he's not very good at it and is easy to find but he is definitely practicing
  • he loves pushing any and every button he comes across--I put batteries in a bubble blowing toy and realized he had found it after I kept hearing a weird sound this afternoon
  • we have confirmed his obsession with the vacuum and documented it with many photos of him following Drew around
We are constantly amazed at the things he does and watching him "figure things out". I know he doesn't know english all that well (he doesn't say many words, and most know I'm worried about his speech) but it's crazy how he seems to understand what we say. 

We made another trip to the doctor's office on Saturday after daycare called Friday afternoon saying Griffin had a fever. He lost his dinner all over me that night and continued to have a temp of 102.6, thankfully it was just a virus. He is much better now, although his lack of appetite, constant drool, and hands in the mouth makes us think he is working on new teeth. 

Why?  I don't know

but let's leave it in my mouth for a while

howdy partner


he only gets to do this when daddy is in charge

this was a hiding spot that I "found" him in

mesmerized by the vacuum

Duke is so tolerant

we can no longer use the bathroom in peace
how many things can we fit under the seat?

what a clue what that hand is doing