Monday, August 27, 2018

First day of school 2018!

We are first day of school veterans at this point. Griffin had absolutely no hesitation. It may have helped that Mrs. Pearson is a family friend, and that Griffin already knew her. Shasta and (then later) I used to babysit Mrs. Pearson's now twenty-something year old son Drew when he was little. We got a good one and he is excited to see what this school year brings. 

The last photo is just to document that all Griffin cares about at this point is showing off his armpit fart ability. He self taught in a matter of days. Perseverance. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Cooper is 4!

A lot of people say something to the effect of: if their 2nd child had been their first, they might not have had more children. The opposite is true for me. At year 4, Cooper J remains so sweet, so mellow, so smiley and loveable. I want to be sad that he is growing up, but that is a privilege denied to so many. 

Weight: 28lbs - 1st percentile
Height: 38 inches - 9th percentile

We celebrated Cooper's birthday the weekend prior at his choice place....the bounce house. 

He had his annual check up with Dr. Sponenberg on his birthday. We picked up Grandma Delores and went for Hibachi lunch. He wasn't too sure!

We had dinner at home on his actual birthday. 

And finally, his 4 year old interview: