Thursday, May 31, 2012

Family Pictures

Up until now we had only taken one family photo.....this one that was our Christmas card picture:

Cousin Caitlin came out and in a short amount of time snapped some updated pictures. It was hot, Griffin was rowdy and preferred to watch the cats playing instead of look at the camera, then one of the cats decided to lay in the background of most of our poses (which she photo shopped out).........with all kinds of factors involved I thought they turned out good. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

10 Month Pictures

I would have loved to capture Griffin standing more in these pictures but it is really hard. He moves so much and Drew works so hard to get him to look at the camera and not fall off the table. We are both exhausted by the time we finish these. I'm trying to decide if we will continue after 12 months. I would like to do something but maybe in a different setting. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

10 Months Stats

Weight: 19 lbs 1 oz
Height: 29ish inches?
Clothing Size: mostly 12 month now
Diapers: starting size 4
Eating Habits: 6ish ounces of formula every 3ish hours and breakfast/lunch/dinner of whatever table food is soft enough or can be cut into small pieces. Puree foods still fill in the gaps. 
New Tricks: clapping, throwing with either hand, standing, squatting like a frog
New Words: Da da........all the time, still working on Momma or I would be fine with him saying Duke too

Thursday, May 24, 2012


We have had this toy for a while, but recently put it in the upright position. I think I saw one at daycare and he must be practicing with it because he certainly looks like he knows what he is doing! This came as a shock to me last night.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What a handsome guy.....

I didn't expect to see Griffin in a tuxedo for many years. Apparently, they make them in all sizes! There is a traveling photographer that has it all figured putting your child in one and then selling the photos for a pretty penny! Griffin's Aunt Nichole had a great idea to take photos for our in-law's Mother's day gift. I'm really glad she asked, they are pretty adorable. 

Such sweethearts......he and Briley are quite a pair!