Sunday, April 27, 2014

Daycare Benefit 2014

The daycare had their annual event to help raise funds for new equipment, toys, etc. on Friday night. To re-live Griffin's performance last year as a one-year-old, please click here. He's in the green shirt with stripes, sitting on the front row.

Then prepare yourself for the 4 songs he participated in at this year's event:

(I could supplement with descriptions, but I think they speak for themselves. Basically, we were very surprised with his level of participation, but very glad we invited all the grandparents for the first time.)

And a few stills for fun:

he did a little nose picking

the group of 2 - 4 year olds that came

Saturday, April 26, 2014

33 Month Update

Every passing month gets more exciting. It seems like Griffin gets more brave, rough, and rowdy every day. I don't know how many times we watched him fall down (quite hard) last weekend, usually running too fast and getting a face full of grass/dirt/rocks. One morning this week when he woke up, he had a semi-black eye. Where it came from, I don't know? He said Rocky (his cat) hit him……his stories are hilarious. We are enjoying how conversational he has become. He makes up the wildest tales and it's obvious his imagination is working overtime. He constantly says things like, "that's funny" and "awesome" and "that's cool" and "you're silly". 

At the beginning of April, he saw his pediatrician for the first time in a long time. They decided he had a small spot of pneumonia again. One perk of seeing the doctor is getting accurate measurements. 

                   Current weight: 29lbs 8 oz
                   Current height: 3ft 1in

With the weather warming up, we are spending a lot of time outside. I’m crossing my fingers that Drew will find time in the near future to get the mini jungle gym assembled (it was a birthday present last year).

"act like you're sleeping".....we have to get creative

Also some pics from last month....

enjoying Charlotte's ball pit with Chase during her birthday party

I caught the crossed-arms pout on camera....look at that pitiful lip

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter 2014

Griffin can really hunt eggs now! It was fun to watch him, and to hear his excitement as he opened each one to find what was inside. 

I took him last Saturday morning to the Cabool community egg hunt at the park. Since he was one of the oldest in the "2 and under" group, he needed to be reminded when he had found enough. Instead of adding to his bucket, he started filling his friends' baskets too. 

annoyed that he has to break for a picture

our group had the baseball field

Claire, Griffin, and Ella
taking a rest with Ella

We went to church Sunday and had lunch with Drew's family afterward. They also prepared an egg hunt since Brent, Nichole, and Briley did not go south to Mississippi like usual. 


We had a very nice long weekend in beautiful weather. Next year, I promise to do more than buy the egg coloring kit.......hopefully, Griffin will get to color eggs for the first time!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Gender Reveal Photos

I picked up our finished photo CD today. All of my research and stolen Pinterest ideas didn't exactly turn out how I had envisioned, but I am still very glad that we took these and I will have the excitement and memories to remember through the photos. 

Side note: I would definitely recommend Photoshop Elements 12 to anyone who likes to edit pictures. The photographer sent me the handprint photos in full color and I was able to change them to black and white, with the paint color emphasized. Thank you YouTube!