Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Getting lots of rest.....

Griffin is a little over 3 weeks old now! Time goes by so fast, and so far I'm not dreading going back to work but I think my mind will change as it gets closer. We are enjoying our lazy days watching talk shows and soap operas.....and lots of napping. 

Duke is a wonderful big brother and usually follows Griffin and I where ever we go around the house. When Griffin cries he is right at his face wanting to know what is wrong. I even find them napping together. 

Sleeping at night is going well too. He eats every 2-3 hours during the day but at night he goes 4 hours before waking up. We usually have a late night feeding before Drew and I go to bed, one right in the middle of the night, and the next is early morning around the time I would be getting up to get ready for work.  It's not a bad schedule at all....hopefully sleeping all night isn't that far away!


  1. So glad you started a blog!! I will be checking in all of the time because I just love blogs. Keep it up!!

  2. Oh and I love Griffin's face while he's sleeping!
