Monday, March 26, 2018

Briley is 10!

One major benefit of working from home is that I'm here when school is out and/or daycare is closed. 

The school teachers had a meeting on a Wednesday, which also happened to be Briley's birthday. School was out, and we were lucky enough to get Bri for the day. The four of us took off early to Springfield for a day of fun. 

Bass Pro recently renovated and re-opened Wonders of Wildlife and we had not made it yet despite awesome reviews from everyone who had been. We started there and though we only did the aquarium side, it did not disappoint. 

The boys enjoyed this room. They have tables for kids to color a paper fish/squid/octopus/etc and then a nice worker will scan their image to magically show up as a real fish on the wall. Look closely, they all have their names. 

Here is their original papers. 

We went to Incredible Pizza for lunch and more fun. It is 1000x better than Chuck E Cheese! No coins/tokens to keep track of, but a card to swipe and wear around their wrist on a bungee bracelet instead. We only had to add money to our cards 1 time! And believe me, with these 3 it goes fast. I'm surprised the cards didn't melt from constant swiping. 

It was a busy day, but a lot of fun! I could have used a couple more hands to keep up with them but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. 

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