Tuesday, February 25, 2014

31 Month Update

Griffin is turning into quite an inquisitive little man. Our trip to Arizona was full of questions.... every sound prompted "what was that Momma?". I'm not exaggerating in the least.Every single time he heard a motorcycle, or a loud car, or an airplane, or Drew accidentally hit the rumble strip on the highway....he would instantly start questioning us. Nothing like a little country boy in the big city! He's very curious and trying to learn everything about the world around him. 

I've also made a big discovery in the last month. All four of Griffin's 2 year molars are almost completely in. Maybe it was during the week long--wake up in the wee hours of the morning and need to get in bed with us kick--he was on. I don't know. He never once said that his mouth has hurt. I need to count again to be sure, but I think that makes 20 which means we are holding at all these until the tooth fairy starts making visits. 

Another thing that impresses me about Griffin is his ability to choose correct pronouns. His language has really been developing rapidly in the past 6 months. Last night I said, "I'm tired" to which he quickly replied, "not me!". I guess in my mind, I thought kids were confused with me/I for quite some time. I don't think I've ever heard him say "me want ____" or any wrong usage there. He correctly says "I need/want ____" or "can I have ____" or "play with me". Maybe not a big deal to most, but to hear our little baby growing up and speaking clear english is crazy! I heard him whispering our names while looking at a wedding photo on Drew's night stand, so I asked him who was in the picture, he pointed to me and said "that's you, and that's daddy". 

He has some very interesting poses for these photos lately. As much as I love looking back at these pictures in the scrapbook I'm making, I think when we run out of stickers at 36 months we will discontinue the monthly photo session. He was rocking the glider so hard, these are really the only pics I got that weren't blurry. 

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