Thursday, September 8, 2016

August Monthly Update

Cooper J turned 2 and has been going full speed since. I forgot to get him in for a 2 year check up, and when I tried to schedule it I found out that his Doctor is out for a couple weeks. Maybe in mid-September we will get height, weight, and etc. 

Things to note from August:
  • a new found love of gum!! (how much is too much for a toddler to swallow? it's about 50/50 between that and actually throwing it away)
  • still a very good eater and likes to use utensils
  • enjoys drawing/coloring on paper
  • likes to dance and sing random words of songs that he hears repeatedly from Griffin
  • still calling his brother "Vin"
  • learning to share, or maybe more so that screaming at the top of his lungs gets attention. it's been a real struggle to break him of crying/yelling just to get us to give him whatever Griffin has that he wants
  • turned forward facing in his car seat as a birthday surprise and boy did he LOVE it!
Height: 33 1/2" - 22nd percentile
Weight: 23lbs 12 oz - 5.5 percentile
Head: 49 cm - 57th percentile!

New house = new chair for monthly pictures. 

This one is in my bedroom, and the benefit is that it will be around forever, unlike the gliders from my babies. I hope I can do this until they are grown men.



Griffin refers to himself as a "big kid" now. It might be school that started it. 

He really loves going to school and has been doing great until the end of last week. When Donna picked him up, a substitute teacher talked to her about his bad behavior and wanted to make sure that I knew. He had a rough week apparently. She left a note for the teacher but was afraid I wouldn't get it. Well I did get it at the beginning of this week. 

Not good. We had a long discussion about this. I heard through an unnamed source that when the sub teacher told him he needed to act right or she would contact his mother, he replied "You don't know how to get a hold of my mom!"

I bet he had a smile on his face, but we need to learn that jokes aren't appropriate in all situations.

Other August items of interest:

  • becoming very picky about his clothes--major preference to jeans and hatred of khaki shorts
  • loves to watch the cartoon version of Spiderman
  • hates spiders
  • loves to dig up worms and catch ants
  • would rather be outside than anywhere

Summary of August via photos/video:

 Crazy weather!

This began on vacation. When it's raining hard on the car, Cooper likes to hold hands with someone. <3<3<3

Griffin got a real surprise when Ashley and Chase picked him up early from daycare to go have lunch and hang out before Chase's birthday party. 


Chase had a really fun birthday with a homemade slip 'n slide. 

  Coop is a cell phone thief!

Both boys love to make their own movies

I got to go out with the crews at work for a major job one day and watch them finish converting a single phase to 3 phase power lines. Very cool!

Griffin woke up with the croup one morning and we went to Springfield for a quick doctor visit and good meds.

We tested out the new equipment at the lake in town.

Here's the forward-facing birthday boy.

And birthday blizzards!

I love getting these random photos from Miss Aubrey, one of Cooper's favorite people at daycare.

Bayley also celebrated birthday #2.

The birthday boy and girl!


Here we go with September!

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