Baby brother still hasn't taken his "first step" yet. He's become more interested in walking while holding your hands, but realizes he can crawl pretty fast and prefers that method of getting from A to B.
He had a double ear infection this month, along with fluid in his ears in the weeks before that. So we've been through a round of both Amoxicillin and Cefdinir. I know that he weighed 18lbs 11 oz and was 29" tall. He's doing pretty good considering Griffin had already been through multiple ear infections which led to tubes, hand, foot, & mouth disease, and 2 bouts of pneumonia by this point.
Cooper has some little habits/quirks about him. I have to assume he's learning new things now that he's moved out of the nursery at daycare and into the 1 year old room. He likes to head butt Griffin, and he also has started hitting his face with his own hand. Kind of like a "face palm" thing to the forehead.
He is as cute and smiley as ever.
A few other random pics from the month:
Big brother has been extra rowdy lately. He's actually been in trouble at daycare quite a bit. Key words are 'defiant' and 'not listening'. We've had to start using "soccerball" and hanging out with Briley as leverage. It's working.
He still loves to sing and wants to know the name of songs when they come on the radio.
He also loves crafts and is really into using scissors.
For a while, he was waking up in the night to go to the bathroom, then getting in bed with us. This was new and arguably kind of sweet because we've never had the kids sleep with us from the beginning. Maybe a few times during illness. There is something really adorable about a 4 year old curling up in your arms, until you wake up and he is sideways. Thankfully though, he is back in his bed lately!
We've purchased this year's Halloween costumes for both boys (yes, I have them as a duo again) and Griffin was SO EXCITED about his outfit when we tried it on. I had to put it away or he would try to wear it everyday. It would be threads by the time the holiday comes around. At soccer tonight, Ashley and I discovered that we have bought the exact same costumes for Griffin/Chase AND Cooper/Bayley....from Amazon.....exact same things. What are the odds? Stay tuned for some adorable photos!
I heard little footsteps in the wee hours of the morning a few weeks ago, he did his business, and then when I found him asleep like this with his little boxers around his ankles, of course I had to take an embarrassing photo.
And some silly videos:
We've spent more time outside in the evenings in September. The weather is perfect and Cooper wants to go-go-go. Contrary to his big brother, he has always loved being in the grass as a baby. I thought the end of this post would be a good place to drop a lot of photos taken in the yard.
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such a ham! |
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