Wednesday, February 18, 2015

One liners....

We finally had a blast of winter and received almost a foot of snow this week (so far). 

I stayed home rather than make the 30+ mile commute to work on Monday. With the daycare closed again and all our options unavailable, I also stayed home Tuesday. 

FOUR day weekend with 2 little boys was quite interesting. I found myself thankful to have all that extra time with them, and the next minute wanting to pull my hair out. I really did love it, just wished I could have saved my days off to do something fun with them when we are not trapped at home. 

Griffin had so many funny things to say over the last week that I had to start writing them down, in fear I would forget.

1) Conveniently, when it comes time to pick up toys or clean his room......he feels sick. Sometimes his tummy hurts, other times he is trying to point out a red mark on his arm/leg/body somewhere. The funny part is the pitiful face and voice he does when he's telling you his ailment, and when Drew says that he must go straight to bed or not get to do something he loves, he always perks up and says, "I'm all better!"

2) He wants to prolong his play time as much as possible. One night, he was building with legos at bedtime. Drew told him to put them away so that they could read books. Griffin's repsonse was, "How about you read books, and I'll build?" Well duh!

3) He had a problem all day yesterday with not quite making it to the toilet to potty. It wasn't full fledged peeing of the pants, just enough to make him have to change underwear, then he would go pee at the potty. I was baffled! When it happened for the 3rd time, he could tell I was frustrated and his notification was, "Momma, someone peed in my pants!" I have a hard time keeping a straight face but I did the best I could and asked who that someone could have been? His serious face turned into a smirk when he realized I meant business, and his little pointer finger slowly rose up as he pointed at his own face.

4) Drew's mom (Mimi to the boys) had her first chemo treatment yesterday during this third battle with cancer. When we talked to her last night, Griffin carried the phone into where I was with her on speakerphone. She told us that she felt okay, just weird and that her face hurt really bad. I replied that was good, and maybe the chemo was killing that S-H-I-T (spelled out because it's not a bad word then, right?) Griffin can't spell, but he does know songs and letters. He immediately started singing, "E I E I O!"

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