Wednesday, January 22, 2014

30 Month Update

Griffin is 2 and half years old!

We’ve had a very relaxed start to the year. So much so, that I had kind of forgotten about the blog! This winter has been cold and snowy, the first “real” winter we’ve had in several years. So we are spending more time at home and inside that we normally would. I’m sure Griffin will be thrilled when the weather warms up and he is outside running wild again.

He’s becoming more and more of a little man with such a personality. Two terms to describe him would be independent and strong-willed. Those should be quadruple bolded and underlined 7 times. The last month has been filled with the phrase “no help!” or “I do it”…..a lot of times followed by major meltdowns when he’s unable. Buckling his seatbelt, brushing his teeth, dressing/undressing, opening any snack packages, all things that he must do himself. This month has also had a fair share of terrible-ness with defiance, yelling, pouting (with or without crossing his arms), and a lot of other fun things that some nights left me feeling exhausted by the time we got him to bed. However, the tides might be turning since lately I haven’t had the “all I’ve done is fight with him about everything all night” conversation with Drew while we are getting ready for bed ourselves. I’ll keep my fingers crossed we are getting somewhere!

We are not getting anywhere with potty training. He still does really well at daycare but is becoming more resistant to telling us at home when he needs to go. Last night we picked him up from daycare, had dinner with friends, got home and realized he did still have “big boy underwear” on, so I immediately asked him if he needed to go potty, he very insistently said he did not……..5 minutes later he says, “I peed my pants”…….as it was happening. An hour after that he went #2 on the bathroom floor. I’d say maybe 3 ft from the toilet. Then he always runs to tell us what he’s done? I want to spank his little bottom because he knows better, but I keep thinking about all the advice out there that says not to make it a negative thing or they will never go. I could see him turning defiant on purpose about this. Thankfully, I read a great blog post from a friend of mine potty training her son that is 2 days older than Griffin (thanks Jackie!) and I can’t wait to try some of her ideas with him tonight.

All hunting seasons are over until April, so we look forward to lots of extra time with Drew and the adventures we will have. Griffin is so much fun and despite the want-to-pull-my-hair-out moments, he is (without a doubt) the best part of our lives.

he thinks he should lay down now, every month

he came up with this pose on his own, "how bout this?"

he also asked for some pictures with his lincoln logs,
he knows a good photo prop when he sees one....that's magic right there!

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