Friday, December 20, 2013

29 Month Update

Thank the Lord, we have been doctor-visit-free for a while and because of that....I still have no spot on measurements for Griffin. I'm not exactly sure how tall or heavy he is, but I'll gladly take that rather than seeing the pediatrician every time we turn around. 

Things to highlight: 

--Vocabulary is growing rapidly: he's always been very good with "me/I" which really surprised me from the start, also forming good sized sentences, and using lots of expression such as, “awesome momma!”
--Counts to 10: he loves to count things, however, he seems to skip 4 & 5 almost every time now 
--Colors are a breeze: occasional confusion with black and brown, everything else is solid! when I ask him what his favorite color is, he always answers either green or “orginge”
--Shapes are fun too: he is working on all of the basic shapes but circles are definitely his favorite. he likes to find them in our surroundings and make sure I see it too, most recently it was the moon
--Current hobby of choice: nosepicking! he is good at it too….a lot of pictures I take of him lately are capturing this talent. what a goober.
--Fa la la la la: he has really started singing quite a bit in the last month…Wheels on the Bus, Jingle Bells, a Clean Up song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, and several more. he isn’t crystal clear on his words, and one song in particular had us really racking our brains to figure out what it could be. I finally texted Jessica, the daycare supervisor to ask her what “me my mom mo, chuck off” could possibly be???? like the brilliant child genius she is, she replied with, “Eenie Meenie Miney Mo”! duh!

The pictures this month highlight another budding characteristic…..temper tantrums. He sure lets you know when he is not happy with what he is being forced to do. Check out that furrowed brow!

Exhibit A - That's nosepicking...

first piggy back ride for Bobby

can we be done?

1 comment:

  1. He looks huge in these pictures!! Too cute. I love how they grow
