Cooper is becoming Mr. Personality. He's gaining a sense of independence and becomes majorly frustrated at times. He also has learned to cry out and scream angrily when big brother won't share or takes something away from him. He is hearing N-O more often and unlike Griffin, it usually results in the most pitiful little pouty face and crying. Griffin would have given you a hateful look and gone on.
He can walk, but he chooses to usually crawl instead. His preferred method of transportation is to be held/carried. I'm guilty of this. The second baby is so different. I've never wanted to rush him, but at this point....I'm hoping he decides to start walking more.
New words/tricks: all dogs are "Du" (for Duke we assume), dancing to music, working on animal sounds
Current likes: animals of any kind, Mickey Mouse, books, anything you are eating instead of what is on his plate, steering wheels
Current dislikes: getting his nails clipped, going to bed, Griffin taking toys away from him,being held by strangers
And a couple videos from the last month:
Griffin is still Mr. Busy Body. He wants to be a part of and help with EVERYthing. He is an adventurer like me. He loves going places (he's ready for our beach vacation next year and wants to know how far away it is), trying new things, staying in hotels, etc. He also continues to ask a million questions and really try to figure things out.
Lately, he's been interested in death and heaven. He's curious about how old everyone is, and comparing the numbers. He came to the conclusion that people with high ages must be dying. There has been a lot of discussion! We're getting into some pretty deep stuff with our 4 year-old!
He also naturally takes on a very parental role to Cooper. He seems to always be looking out for him and helping us. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard him saying “no, no Cooper!” while pulling something out of his mouth or making him laugh when he’s upset. If Griffin is awake before Cooper on Saturday morning, he lights up as soon as he hears Cooper stirring, begging me to let him go in his room, and always followed by a “hi buddy!” when he does. That makes me happy.
Griffin can write his name without needing an example to look at. He’s really started to enjoy coloring and seems to be a lot better with staying in the lines and actually making pictures instead of circles/scribbles. When he sees writing or sentences, he typically asks what they say.
Next month will be deer season, Thanksgiving, and a BIG birthday for me. I can't wait.