Friday, July 31, 2015

Monthly Update

Cooper is 11 months old!!!

Little brother is changing so fast these days. 

Weight: 18lbs 6 oz
Height: 29"

He crawls, he waves, he pulls up to standing in his crib, the bath tub, and Duke's dog bowls (which we can't keep him out of). Months ago, I thought there was no chance this baby would be walking by a year, I'm giving him a chance. He's not in hurry to reach milestones, until he decides he wants to do something and it happens overnight. 

Cooper has also decided that he no longer likes pureed foods and will hardly eat any. Instead, he'll have whatever you're having. Chicken, hot dogs, green beans, macaroni, corn, cheerios, bread, pasta.....all things he's had this week. I've never seen him turn his nose up. He also LOVES yogurt melts and goes through them like crazy. He also likes to drink from straws. We're also working on sippy cups. 

I've started preparing for his big birthday party this week. Slow down time.

Our dear Griffin Tanner is 4 years old!!!!!!!

I can't believe how life with him continually becomes more fun. 

I added a sweet saying about how fast children grow up to the back of Cooper's birthday party invitation. I've been thinking about how it really applies to Griffin lately, as his little face grows more mature each day. I find myself staring at his features, and imagining him as an adult. 

He got a very good report from his doctor at his annual well child appointment. It was funny to watch him listen and follow each command. "Breathe in like this!" "Now breathe out" "Let your leg hang down, I'm going to check your reflexes" "Walk in a line toward the door". It was like a game and he was very eager to do each thing. 

Height: 3 ft 4 1/4 in
Weight: 38 lbs
Blood pressure: 104/60
Pulse: 88

Likes: his new ride-on tractor, swimming, singing songs, Cooper and assisting him in any way, cruising YouTube

Dislikes: naps on the weekend, going to bed most nights, getting woke up early for daycare....see the correlation??

Favorite movies: All About John Deere, Robots, Open Season

Favorite books: Let's Go to the Fire Station, Tractor Mac, Little Blue Truck, and a fire & rescue magazine Uncle Brent gave him

Favorite foods: "chicken & rice" from the chinese restaurant, hot dogs STILL, white milk (NOT chocolate), spaghetti, cucumbers in vinegar 

Best friends: Chase & Briley

Random photos of fun from the past month:

Rocky loves kids

this is how big brother picks up and moves Cooper around

sometimes he's less than thrilled

boy in underwear with a bow, nothing strange here

old man

he LOVES the dog bowls

boxers are for big boys
checking the mail for me

 And a few videos for fun:

I might have already posted this one, it's about a month old.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Griffin is FOUR!!

Griffin is old enough to have some really fun birthday parties now. This year, we partied at one of our best swimming areas on the farm called Malibu. There is plenty of shade and thanks to the recent rains, we had a nice gravel bar brought back. This spot is also prime bear territory and Grandpa Bill saw one there earlier in the day. We must have sounded a little too wild that evening, because Mr. or Mrs. Bear did not make an appearance. 

Griffin loves Captain America right now, so that was the theme, HOWEVER.....we were very late getting down to the river and didn't have time to put any decorations out but a single American flag. They said a bald eagle flew over not long after we got there and we joked that it must have been the flag that brought him in. The kids were able to swim/fish and run around, the adults were bug bait, we had hot dogs and a good time. 

Griffin's sole birthday present was the tractor he had been eyeballing every trip to Walmart. Several family members have ride-on toys but we had yet to get one at our house. He was so surprised and completely thrilled. We gave it to him on the night of his birthday and he melted our hearts repeatedly by stopping while riding to say "Thank you for getting me this tractor" sweet!

birthday morning selfie

  Then the Saturday fun began.....