Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Monthly Update

Cooper is 7 months old!

Still making their way in a millimeter at a time....2 bottom teeth! I remember Griffin's first teeth played a hide-and-seek game for a while, visible then not, over and over. Cooper's are not doing that, but are just taking their sweet time.

Cooper remains quite lazy and only rolls on occasion. I did witness my first "back to stomach" roll in the last week. He just isn't in a hurry to get more mobile. Dr. Sponenberg wasn't concerned. He could tell I was, so he listed out to me every important milestone and at what age: sitting by the end of the 6th month, pulling up by something, cruising by can't remember, walking by 15 months.......he's not worried about my laid back baby's desire to just hang out.

Cooper has also started sitting a lot. If he keeps his hands down he can sit for quite some time. Trouble happens when he's got them in his mouth and doesn't put them down fast enough when he gets wobbly. Face plants are NOT fun.

Since we were a month behind on the shot schedule, I actually have measurements to go along with this update. 

Height: 27 inches - 48%
Weight: 15.8lbs - 5.8%
Head: 43 3/4 cm - 31.3%

Notice the weight percentile.....Dr. Sponenberg is not concerned about my skinny baby. He says he looks fine and has some pudge, so no worries there. 

Also, it seems he's developed his first habit. Griffin was a thumb-sucker. My nephew Briley had a blanket with him everywhere he went. Cooper has never taken to a pacifier or any other typical baby habit. he likes to pull his shirt. It doesn't matter if he's hungry or not, tired or just work up.....maybe it's teeth related. The necks of his clothing are taking a beating! they get stretched out big enough for a linebacker and soaking wet in no time. He might have to start wearing bibs all day. 

Another super cute development, he's started "shying away" when people look/talk/smile at him. It is soooooo adorable when he hides his little face in my neck. Maybe I can get that on video by next month.

Where do I begin with Griffin?

He is something else. I think that term "threenager" is a real phenomenon. He is an endless ball of sass and energy. 

I did a terrible job this month writing down the many things he says and all that he did that he make Drew and I look at each other in shock. There would be a million if I kept track. He is just so smart and catches on to everything he sees or hears. There is never a dull moment.

He had his first (and only) T Ball practice ahead of 5 weeks of games starting on Tuesday nights. It was quite interesting. Drew and I are helping coach the team. I was so involved trying to help each little boy get a turn at bat, I hardly had eyes on Griffin the whole time. At one point he came moping over to me, red faced, crying with his head down and said "I want to win Momma!" Oh dear.

As wild as he is, he is so loving at the same time. Now that the weather is warming up, he is spending lots of evenings outside. I love to watch him interact with our cats when he doesn't know I'm looking. He hugs them and talks to them about who knows what. They love him, but not near as much as his little brother does. Griffin spends so much time making sure Cooper is happy and taken care of, it brings me so much joy. He is really the best big brother ever.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Busy Busy Busy!!

The weather starts warming up, and we find things to keep us busy. Griffin LOVES to spend every minute possible outside and since our driveway is a mud hole, he's really enjoyed it!  
This is the last 10 days of our life.

2 pearly whites on their way in!

I carried the trash outside one night and when I came back in Griffin says, "Look Mom, I'm helping!"

old, lazy dog

Shed hunting selfies!

While we spent some one-on-one time with Griffin, Grandpa Don and Grandma Kathi hung with Cooper. 

Charlotte had an awesome breakfast birthday party this weekend complete with doughnuts, ham and egg quiche, and a pancake birthday cake. It was a big hit with all the kids!

Dough nut decorating was lots of fun!

Since Chase left daycare, he and Griffin really miss seeing each other every day. Ashley asked me earlier in the week if we thought Griffin would stay the night. We knew he would without a doubt. It was Mom and Dad that had a harder time with it!! As expected, he stayed all night with no problem and had an awesome time.

Chase has an awesome four wheeler

10:30pm - Ashley's caption was, "one down, one to go"

I was able to get in some long overdue horse therapy yesterday afternoon! Always good for the soul.

A new dog saga is unfolding. Drew found this dog at the farmhouse over the weekend. Young, but well behaved. He has a collar but no tags. Stay tuned to see if we can find the owner or if he sticks around. 

Bennet was at Briley's house all day Sunday and I took the boys down to the farm that evening to play and see Mimi.
pulling leftover turnips from the garden

proud of the "tiny, little worm" he found

Not sure why he's pronouncing "cute" as "coot", might be the baby voice he's trying to do.

Cooper spectated from Todd's arms

what's that saying, little boys are made of dirt?