Wednesday, July 31, 2013

24 Month Update

I waited until Griffin's birthday party to take our monthly picture so that he would be in his birthday shirt....and mostly because we've been gone and so busy. However, I forgot to put the sticker on him. Oh well. He just had his 24 month well visit today with Dr. Sponenberg and passed with flying colors. No concerns with this perfect little boy. 

Weight: 26lbs 10 oz - 31st percentile
Height: 34 inches - 36th percentile (big drop here....he must be shrinking now!)
Head: 50 3/4 cm - 93rd percentile (don't be alarmed, they said he looked normal)
Diaper size: still wearing size 4 at night, pull ups during the day - as soon as school starts, the ladies at daycare will be getting down to business, but they say he is really close to being completely potty trained anyway
Clothing size: 18-24 moths, but 3T pajamas

Things to note at the 2 year mark:
  • he loves trains
  • he adores Mickey Mouse
  • when you ask him a question he will sometimes respond with..... "ummmmmm, then his answer" like he really needs to think about it
  • he still loves his dad more than anything
  • he can identify red, blue, green, yellow, and purple
  • he counts to 3 on his own and to 10 with help
  • shape sorters are a piece of cake - he has awesome fine motor skills
  • shoes are overrated, he'd much rather walk across anything barefoot
  • hats should be worn backward.....I don't know where this came from--although Drew wears a hat every day, it's rarely ever on backward!
  • all boo boos must be kissed, and if you aren't available to do it.....he will kiss his own
  • sharing is not a strong characteristic, will continue to work on that
  • he's very sweet with babies - they likely will get a kiss, even cousin Owen got several through the phone while Skype-ing

Most of the "belly stickers" advertised only go up through 24 months. I debated whether I should stop the monthly pictures. But thank God for Etsy! Of course, they will be glad to make me a set through 36 months. I will really try to get a hold of myself by then, but for now......I'm going to enjoy doing this. I'm also forming one hell of a scrapbook--monthly pictures from his first 2 years of life! I know, I'm crazy. Let's just hope our next child gets the same treatment. 

Monday, July 29, 2013


We've been home from vacation for a week now, and I'm just getting around to updating the blog. This was definitely a vacation that needs its own blog post!

Griffin got to fly for the first time. His first leg of the trip was made while he was still 1, but he returned home as a 2 year old. This (and safety reasons) prompted us to buy him his own seat. I'm glad that we did because he did seat in his seat quite a bit. There were times when he didn't. Usually during descent he would end up in Drew's lap, some flight attendants didn't care or maybe notice. We had 1 that was very adamant that he be seatbelted into his own seat. That made things a little noisy!

first flight, not too bad!


this kept him busy in Denver, we couldn't ride it enough

I definitely recommend the harness! it contained him much more than just the lap belt
We spent the first part of the week seeing Yellowstone National Park. It took a good 3 days of driving around to see the majority of it, and that was the fairly quick version. We stayed just outside the west entrance in Montana in a "mom and pop" town that was super cute. It still had a "Kentucky Fried Chicken" with Colonel Sanders' face on the sign. Nothing seemed updated to the latest decade but it was in a neat way, not run down and trashy. 

first family photo on the ground

I had no idea how large these were

I took this for a size comparison

the north half of the park was beautiful

Mr. Backwards hat

geyser steam smells like a big firework, this was blowing over a walkway

Yellowstone Lake

outside our cabins in West Yellowstone, MT

there she blows......

we brought the stick in his hand back as a souvenir, he liked it more than Old Faithful itself

The second half of the week was spent in Jackson, WY. The Tetons are extremely pretty but lack the magnitude of Rocky Mountain National Park. I really loved this area, but was a little sad that Jackson Hole is sooooo touristy. We didn't try to backpack to the top of Grand Teton or do any boating on the lakes, so we were able to enjoy what these beauties had to offer pretty quickly. The annual Art Fair was taking place and I was able to buy some really pretty jewelry to take home. We also took Griffin to his first rodeo on the night of his birthday. The morning before we left, Drew and I went on a mountain trail ride like we did in Colorado years ago. It was beautiful. 

downtown Jackson

birthday cupcake

birthday bath!

the best picture I could get of the only bear we saw in the wild

people are's a fact


can't go to the mountains without taking a ride! so relaxing!

Jackson Hole from the Idaho side

4 of these make up the town square

I really can't complain about our first major vacation since Griffin came along. We will always have great memories to look back on with this one.