Weight: 26lbs 10 oz - 31st percentile
Height: 34 inches - 36th percentile (big drop here....he must be shrinking now!)
Head: 50 3/4 cm - 93rd percentile (don't be alarmed, they said he looked normal)
Diaper size: still wearing size 4 at night, pull ups during the day - as soon as school starts, the ladies at daycare will be getting down to business, but they say he is really close to being completely potty trained anyway
Clothing size: 18-24 moths, but 3T pajamas
Things to note at the 2 year mark:
- he loves trains
- he adores Mickey Mouse
- when you ask him a question he will sometimes respond with..... "ummmmmm, then his answer" like he really needs to think about it
- he still loves his dad more than anything
- he can identify red, blue, green, yellow, and purple
- he counts to 3 on his own and to 10 with help
- shape sorters are a piece of cake - he has awesome fine motor skills
- shoes are overrated, he'd much rather walk across anything barefoot
- hats should be worn backward.....I don't know where this came from--although Drew wears a hat every day, it's rarely ever on backward!
- all boo boos must be kissed, and if you aren't available to do it.....he will kiss his own
- sharing is not a strong characteristic, will continue to work on that
- he's very sweet with babies - they likely will get a kiss, even cousin Owen got several through the phone while Skype-ing
Most of the "belly stickers" advertised only go up through 24 months. I debated whether I should stop the monthly pictures. But thank God for Etsy! Of course, they will be glad to make me a set through 36 months. I will really try to get a hold of myself by then, but for now......I'm going to enjoy doing this. I'm also forming one hell of a scrapbook--monthly pictures from his first 2 years of life! I know, I'm crazy. Let's just hope our next child gets the same treatment.