Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Parade

Yesterday was a lot of fun. Aunt Shiloh came to hang out with us while daddy is away. It was cold and windy but we didn't let that ruin our day. Griffin is a cowboy this halloween, and even has his own horse. After the parade we had a nice dinner for Grandpa Don's 60th birthday! 

checking out the competition for costume judging

the trusty steed

cowboys require constant adjusting

ready for the judges

Briley the fire chief

did we win?

missing Shasta and Peyton!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

15 Month Update

Another month has flown by. Griffin is getting wilder by the day. He loves to climb on top of everything: kitchen table/chairs, glider/ottoman in his room, end tables in the living room, bench in the laundry room......whatever he can pull himself up on. His speech is also coming along. I realized after a week of vacation at home that I wasn't giving him enough credit for what he is saying. Just because it doesn't sound exactly like it should doesn't mean he isn't trying to identify things with a word. He is developing such a little personality and has added several reaction faces that are darling too. 

Height: 32.25" - 83rd percentile
Weight: 22lbs 4oz - 19th percentile
Head: 48.5 cm - 85th percentile
Clothing Size: 12 month with some18 month mixed in
Diaper Size: size 4
New Tricks: running, climbing, pushing all buttons in sight, obsessions with coordination tasks (taking off and putting on the lid to a chapstick tube or cap to a spray bottle) 
Number of teeth: 6

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween prepping!

Griffin is practically running now, but in his very fancy (expensive) Stride Rite shoes. He hasn't really worn anything else. When he first started walking he seemed to have more trouble with other brands. In preparation for his halloween costume I decided he had better practice with some boots. I took several videos, he was pretty darn funny in them. 

Silver Dollar City twice in 1 year......

Somehow I convinced Drew we needed to go back to Silver Dollar City while I was on vacation this week (it's harvest fest--the most awesome festival of the year) and although it was a cool, cloudy day it turned out to be the most fun trip yet. Griffin is able to ride 3 different things in the park and we were sure to hit all of them. 

Note: I'm having trouble with picture sizing, but for those that need to see it bigger.....if you click on the photo it will open to full size. 

trying the old stroller that Griffin can sit up in--huge hit!

let's get moving, we've got places to go and things to see.....

working that pointer finger

I'm ready!

not so sure at this point

I think this is fun?

tag......daddy's turn

getting some air on this ride, daddy is in control of height

he wasn't sure about this one either

carousel was his favorite!


Had to add this video I just remembered I took on the way home from Branson......he's perfecting a new trick called "Sleep eating".

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pumpkin Patch!

Today, we finally made it to the pumpkin patch. We brought home several strange gourds and of course a few pumpkins. The whole experience only cost me $15; it definitely pays to go during the week when it is not busy! Since we were basically the only ones there we had unlimited access to all of the fun stuff at no charge--just no train ride through the farm. Griffin just wanted to wander around and was too small for a lot of it but cousin Briley sure had a good time. It was an exhausting but successful 1st trip!

all aboard the train

let's fill this wagon!

Briley took a ride too

Mommy and baby

convo about being small

so sweet

how do I choose?

didn't notice what he was holding until after we got home, oops

it's is looking

.......then they switch

handsome guy

what a variety

of course he wanted in the driver's seat

I'm ready to pull this thing

sorry Grammy, I don't want to look

thanks for the boost!

dare devil

one more pic before we go