Tooth #2 is coming in and about to catch up with #1. This is my best attempt at a photo of them both:
Griffin has also decided he needs to try to stand up at all times. I caught him standing in his crib one day when he was supposed to be taking a nap. It's no longer safe to put him in the crib and expect him to lay there. When he is quiet he is plotting and planning a way out, or at least a way to get up and then slip and fall hitting his face somewhere on the way down.
Hold still Aunt Tammy, I'm trying to stand up |
He is also learning how to make the kiss sound. Or picking up on it I guess, since I haven't really tried to teach him. I guess he just hears it so much that he's figured out how to do it himself. It's quite funny to get in these "kissing wars" with him where you take turns making the sound.
It seems there is always something new and exciting happening!