Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bring on the warm weather.....

We've had an exciting week. Our highest temperature yet was taken, coming in at 103.1 degrees. That prompted a trip to the doctor's office and the result......add a double ear infection to the pneumonia we are fighting! I guess our pediatrician decided we weren't messing around anymore; Griffin is on so much medicine (including breathing treatments for the first time) that he is wound for sound! It's nearly impossible to get him to take a nap. He would rather work up a sweat jumping in the exersaucer/screaming/breathing fast/shaking when grabbing something. I'm blaming it on the steroids. We have a follow up tomorrow morning. 

Tooth #2 is coming in and about to catch up with #1. This is my best attempt at a photo of them both:

Griffin has also decided he needs to try to stand up at all times. I caught him standing in his crib one day when he was supposed to be taking a nap. It's no longer safe to put him in the crib and expect him to lay there. When he is quiet he is plotting and planning a way out, or at least a way to get up and then slip and fall hitting his face somewhere on the way down.

Hold still Aunt Tammy, I'm trying to stand up

He is also learning how to make the kiss sound. Or picking up on it I guess, since I haven't really tried to teach him. I guess he just hears it so much that he's figured out how to do it himself. It's quite funny to get in these "kissing wars" with him where you take turns making the sound. 

It seems there is always something new and exciting happening!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pure Torture

Sir Coughs-A-Lot went back to the doctor tonight. He has been happy as a clam this week but still dealing with a nasty cough that kept getting worse and a very snotty nose. Drew is out of town on business and I figured tonight after work was as good of a time as any to run up to Springfield. We also didn't want to miss cousin Briley's birthday party tomorrow afternoon. 

The bad news is that Griffin has pneumonia again, this time in the opposite side of his lungs as the last. Dr. McDreamy was working tonight (so nice to see him again) and said that he really is in good shape but needs medicine to get over it. He most likely had something viral that caused the pneumonia, so we are back on antibiotics.....which he assured me is okay to have had them this many times as long as we don't use the same thing over and over. 

This makes our 3rd trip to the X Ray department, and Griffin's 4th & 5th x rays of his life. That's more than I've had in my 25+ years. How do they get chest x rays of a baby? Well I finally got a picture of this contraption. It seems awful but it is a genius piece of equipment.

He sits on a little triangle with his legs hanging through the table, and it's hard to see but the arms are pulled upward (by me) while she closes 2 clear curved pieces of plastic(?) around him and straps it shut behind his head. Terrible looking....but it works like a charm. Only takes 30 seconds once he's in, and 5 minutes of holding afterwards to calm him down. He and I are both hoping that was the last time he goes in that device.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

7 Month Pictures

Many thanks to Cousin Caitlin who made these pictures I took much better than what they were. I'm really hoping I can make some magic when I try his 8 month photo shoot! Since the weather has been awesome, we will probably start taking a lot outside. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We are in trouble....

Griffin's latest achievement is one that causes a tear every now and then.....pulling up. He only goes to his knees right now but when he doesn't remember that his arms are bearing his weight against the object he is pulling up on, it leads to a smack of the head/face/etc. Also time to lower the crib to its lowest setting because of exhibit A:

On his way up....supposed to be napping

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First tooth!

This past weekend I noticed something in Griffin's mouth. His first tooth has started to come in! As of today it still looks like this.......

I wonder how long it will take to come in all the way? He might look a little silly if the one next to it doesn't come soon!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

7 Month Stats

We are quite behind in posting stats and pictures. That's because our photographer moved to the east coast :( she tried to give me a lesson though and left me with most of what I would need to take Griffin's pictures myself. But I don't have the skill or talent, so when she has time she is going to "fix" the pictures I took......will post when I get them back altered. 

Weight: 17lbs 8 oz
Diapers: Size 3
Clothing: 6-9 or 9 months
Meals: formula every 3 hours/breakfast, lunch, and dinner of solids
Trips to the doctor: 4 after the pneumonia check up

Crawling has now progressed to the "modified worm". That's what I call it because it seems to be Griffin's version of the dance move called the worm (see it here). Pardon the bare was taken pre-bath.

Besides laptops, remote controls, and cell phones Griffin also loves splashing in the bath tub, squealing as loud as he can, and his big brother Duke. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

And this makes 3.....

Last night was the 3rd trip we've made to the doctor in the last week, and we pray it is our last for a while. Griffin has still been making some noise when he breathes and we can feel a vibration in his back, usually at night. It's as if he needs to cough and clear his throat, but even when he does it doesn't always help. We are play it safe parents, so we went ahead and made a trip up to the pediatrician's office for after hours urgent care.

The doctor we saw thought his lungs sounded clear but for everyone's peace of mind and so she "could sleep tonight" she suggested Griffin have a chest x ray. Why not? we thought. When she came back in with the results we were all surprised that he did have a hazy spot and therefore we needed to start treating him for pneumonia. Ten more days of his favorite antibiotic! (Sarcasm). 

I never thought I would have such a sickly child! Of course this is all happening after we've transitioned to formula so that doesn't help my guilt for quitting nursing/pumping. I'm not sure if it's genetic but Drew had a lot of ear infections as a child and has also had a few stints of pneumonia growing up too. We are only able to tell Griffin doesn't feel well because he is a little fussy and unusually clingy. She thought we should see improvement by Monday. We'll say our prayers and cross our fingers that he is on his way to no more illness!