Saturday, February 25, 2012

This is our croup face....

Griffin has been 24+ hours without puking, we should be super excited.....instead we have moved on to bigger and louder things, like croup. He woke us up at 4am barking like a seal and making quite a bit of noise trying to breathe with a snot filled nose. It was probably the scariest night we've had with him since birth, and also the first time we took turns with him sleeping on our chests. Griffin started the steroid medication prescribed by Dr. McDreamy, who promised it "won't make him the hulk" and we are hoping things get better soon. 

Try and get him down illness......he laughs at you.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Who's sick?

Despite his cheery disposition, Griffin has had some tummy trouble this week. It started with a projectile vomit on Monday morning that I thought just happened as the result of a burp/timing issue.....he rarely ever spits up even a little. Monday night during his bedtime bottle he did it again so I was a little worried. Tuesday, Grandma Kathi said he soaked her but she thought it was because she was doing one of his favorite up-and-down moves too soon after a bottle. I also brought out the last of the freezer breastmilk for him to finish so I thought the change in his dirty diapers was because of that. By last night he had also covered his Grammy Marta, and not eaten much of his lunch or dinner. today we got to see the doctor. Griffin should be over his first "mild stomach bug" by the end of this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. He also endured his 4th and 5th ear flushing (the worst experience of his life so far) thanks to his very hairy and small ear canals. The doctor is never able to see into his ears easily. After all of the commotion he determined Griffin has fluid on both of his ears but no ear infections. His left ear had fluid when we went for the 2 week checkup from the ear infection he had a month ago. Dr. Sponenberg told us today that if he still has fluid at his 9 month appointment we will need to consider getting tubes in his ears. I'm hoping things clear up by then but we will cross that bridge when we get there. 

Good news is, we are vomit free today. So thankful we have such a happy little guy, puking or not!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fun stuff!

I was able to capture 2 of Griffin's latest tricks on video....

1. We've slowly been working on puffs. It took me a while to not be scared once the puff disappeared in his mouth, but I'm much more relaxed now. It doesn't go like this every time, but he's getting pretty darn good!

sorry it's sideways, I'm new to this still

2. The army crawl is still in full force when he wants to get somewhere. He does a lot of this now too....which leads everyone to say "won't be long"!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

6 Months Old

Griffin is moving around a lot now! He's figured out how to get his knees under him in addition to army crawling, and sits alone pretty good. Today I packed away more clothes and am getting out the 9 month stuff to be washed and ready for rotation. He is enjoying eating 3 times a day, cereal in the morning and fruits/veggies the other times. The doctor suggested that we add a protein into his diet for dinner and up to 4 oz of juice a day.

Height: 27 1/4" - 70th percentile
Weight: 17lbs 1 oz - 33rd percentile
Head Circ: 17 1/2" - 64th percentile
Diaper size: will be 3 as soon as we run out of 2
Clothing size: 6-9 months

We constantly hear what a good baby he is and how sweet and smiley he always seems to be. In all honesty.......he is. It's hard to put into words how much we love this boy.