Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It finally happened!

I can't remember the last time I slept for 6 uninterrupted hours!

It seems like most people think the more a baby sleeps during the day, the less he will at night. For Griffin it seems to be the opposite. I think there is a pattern when he naps more during the day he is asleep longer periods that night. I'm back to thinking he needs to be sleeping in his crib so I decided to give it a shot last night. After laying him down around 11:30 I got in bed thinking I would be getting back up in no time to console him. Flash forward and I'm waking up to his cry.....I look at the clock and it's 5:30am! I felt like a new person. I'm so thankful it didn't play out like I have worried about since he was born--put him in the crib, go to bed, wake up the next morning to silence, freak out and run into his room to make sure he's okay.  

Maybe we can repeat tonight (knock on wood) since he fell asleep on his tummy time mat and could not keep his eyes open no matter what Drew did. He's back in the crib, and I better head to bed in hopes of breaking the 6 hour record. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

2 Months Old!

Drew took Griffin to his 2 month appointment on Tuesday without me. I am finishing my second week back at work and had complete confidence in him to handle it by himself. Hopefully, I will make it to his next visit at 4 months. Griffin handled the shots as well as a baby possibly can but has been quite fussy the past 2 days and not his usual mellow self. I'm hoping it will pass soon. I called our doctor's office and talked to our nurse today about it. We have been really impressed with them since Griffin was born. Besides following up with phone calls to check and see how he is doing, she also has quite a memory. At the end of our conversation about him being fussy and wanting to eat more often she added, "Daddy did really well the other day when they came for his shots." I was surprised she knew I was the wife of the fearless father in the office this week by himself. 

2 Month Stats:
12lbs 7oz - 66th percentile
23" long - 50th percentile
16.14" head - 73rd percentile
= short and fat with a big head

For the most part, I'm enjoying being back at work. I was afraid I wouldn't remember how to do anything but it is all coming back. The first morning was hard and getting all of the "babysitters" through their first days was a little stressful but I think things will go much smoother now. I enjoy having my own time during the day to focus on work and not have someone depending on me. It also makes me appreciate our time together at night so much more. I sure do miss him and get very excited to see him as it gets close to 5.....something to look forward to each day!

Big thanks to Caitlin who is making it possible for us to see how he is growing and changing.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Meet Mr. Smiley Pants

I can't have a bad day and look at this face......

and here it is in action........