It seems like most people think the more a baby sleeps during the day, the less he will at night. For Griffin it seems to be the opposite. I think there is a pattern when he naps more during the day he is asleep longer periods that night. I'm back to thinking he needs to be sleeping in his crib so I decided to give it a shot last night. After laying him down around 11:30 I got in bed thinking I would be getting back up in no time to console him. Flash forward and I'm waking up to his cry.....I look at the clock and it's 5:30am! I felt like a new person. I'm so thankful it didn't play out like I have worried about since he was born--put him in the crib, go to bed, wake up the next morning to silence, freak out and run into his room to make sure he's okay.
Maybe we can repeat tonight (knock on wood) since he fell asleep on his tummy time mat and could not keep his eyes open no matter what Drew did. He's back in the crib, and I better head to bed in hopes of breaking the 6 hour record.